I am pleased to announce NNCP 8.0.0 release availability! NNCP (Node to Node copy) is a collection of utilities simplifying secure store-and-forward files and mail exchanging. This utilities are intended to help build up small size (dozens of nodes) ad-hoc friend-to-friend (F2F) statically routed darknet delay-tolerant networks for fire-and-forget secure reliable files, file requests, Internet mail and commands transmission. All packets are integrity checked, end-to-end encrypted (E2EE), explicitly authenticated by known participants public keys. Onion encryption is applied to relayed packets. Each node acts both as a client and server, can use push and poll behaviour model. Also there is multicasting areas support. Out-of-box offline sneakernet/floppynet, dead drops, sequential and append-only CD-ROM/tape storages, air-gapped computers support. But online TCP daemon with full-duplex resumable data transmission exists. ------------------------ >8 ------------------------ The main improvements for that release are: * *Incompatible* encrypted packet format change: payload and pad sizes are sent in-bound in the encrypted stream. That gives ability to streamingly create encrypted packets, without knowing sizes in advance, without creating temporary file or buffer data in memory. * Proper encrypted packet padding verification is done now. This is not critical issue, but previously neither padding value, nor its size were authenticated, giving ability to iteratively strip trailing bytes and determine payload’s size by observing the reaction of the encrypted packet processing. * "nncp-exec" loses its "-use-tmp" option, because of streaming-compatible encrypted packets format. * "nncp-file" and "nncp-exec" commands have "-maxsize" option, limiting maximal resulting encrypted packet’s maximal size (returning error if it is exceeded). Could be useful, because no payload size could be known in advance. ------------------------ >8 ------------------------ NNCP's home page is: http://www.nncpgo.org/ Source code and its signature for that version can be found here: http://www.nncpgo.org/download/nncp-8.0.0.tar.xz (1203 KiB) http://www.nncpgo.org/download/nncp-8.0.0.tar.xz.sig SHA256 hash: 376BE15D 956AE171 2D04B607 15D53B17 62CDFA72 86AA9957 2D8E4641 4DA987F0 GPG key ID: 0x2B25868E75A1A953 NNCP releases Fingerprint: 92C2 F0AE FE73 208E 46BF F3DE 2B25 868E 75A1 A953 There are mirrors where you can also get the source code tarballs: http://www.nncpgo.org/Mirrors.html Please send questions regarding the use of NNCP, bug reports and patches to mailing list: http://lists.cypherpunks.ru/nncp_002ddevel.html -- Sergey Matveev (http://www.stargrave.org/) OpenPGP: CF60 E89A 5923 1E76 E263 6422 AE1A 8109 E498 57EF