*** tidux@sdf.org [2021-10-28 05:33]: >The use case is basically "IMAP server as remote backups" where even if >your laptop gets run over by a truck you can still re-download all your >mail from the server. Personally I use Postfix'es "always_bcc" feature to make a copy of all passing through correspondence, copying/backuping it separately. This is for the case when I accidentally loose my main server/laptop. I can Bcc to another server, storing all correspondence in single mbox/maildir. They can be easily rsync-ed. In my opinion IMAP is a huge over engineering and lack of simplicity and flexibility, if all you need is just a storage, mainly append-only as a backup. However I am possibly far from most user's use-cases related to email, because I have never ever used IMAP at all, except for POP3 to download and remove correspondence from public mail servers. -- Sergey Matveev (http://www.stargrave.org/) OpenPGP: CF60 E89A 5923 1E76 E263 6422 AE1A 8109 E498 57EF