*** John Goerzen [2021-02-01 00:21]: >Which reminds me - when you get back a file from nncp-freq, or any other >event that sends something back, I'm assuming it uses the via path (if any) >defined on the system that's sending back the response? Yes, correct. >So I wouldn't suggest anybody just rip out nncp-call(er) and go to Syncthing >entirely; nncp-call and the daemon are quite useful and more efficient than >Syncthing would be in fixed topology cases, or situations with a non-TCP >transport. I understand. There can not be killer solution for all cases. >One particularly interesting use for this - Syncthing can to local LAN >discovery. Once I wanted to create same thing in nncp-daemon/caller -- multicasted notifications about NNCP daemons presence. >very nice alternative to things like Dropbox, or even Nextcloud, since it can >be run entirely serverless and disconnected. Dropbox is not the choice of course, because it is not free software. >Being an append-only log has me somewhat concerned. It seems to be something >like a "public Syncthing, but unidirectional." IPFS seems to be catching on >more than DAT at the moment. I like DAT idea because it is very close to WARC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_ARChive whole website distribution through single file. And DAT (seems) allows to effectively publish changes to it. It seems can be conveniently archived for long term storage. >And thank you, again, for NNCP. Unlike many of these other things, it's >fairly simple, well-documented, and secure and private by default. Hope so! Glad you like it! >Heck, a person could even use Google Drive for the packets, if one wanted. Yes, of course, no barriers. -- Sergey Matveev (http://www.stargrave.org/) OpenPGP: CF60 E89A 5923 1E76 E263 6422 AE1A 8109 E498 57EF