
right! I installed GoLanguage on FreeBSD and now it fine.
But can I have your help with user manual? 

I follow this instructions: 

and there is not so clear explained how to run server and client.
I have: 

Both VMs are Ubuntu Server:


I did run server successfully: 
root@calvin:~/govpn# ./govpn-server -bind -mtu 1472
2015/05/13 10:28:29.548793 main.go:120: GoVPN version 3.2 built with go1.2.1
2015/05/13 10:28:29.549008 main.go:121: Max MTU on TAP interface: 1432
2015/05/13 10:28:29.549031 main.go:130: Server started

but when I start the client, I see this error:
root@farengeit:~/govpn# ./govpn-client -key key.txt -id CLIENTID -iface tap10 -remote -mtu 1472
panic: ID is not specified

goroutine 1 [running]:
runtime.panic(0x536700, 0xc21001d4a0)
        /usr/lib/go/src/pkg/runtime/panic.c:266 +0xb6
        /root/govpn/src/govpn/cmd/govpn-client/main.go:58 +0xc9

goroutine 3 [runnable]:
created by os/signal.init·1
        /usr/lib/go/src/pkg/os/signal/signal_unix.go:27 +0x31

What is it client id? How do I specify this? 
I want to create clear and simple instructions for manual installation.

Another question, like this, why it need this: echo "echo tap10" >> peers/CLIENTID/up.sh ? 
So I created directory peers/CLIENTID on server and file up.sh with tap10 

but I don't really understand why server needs it.
Thank you.

On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 1:14 PM, <stargrave@stargrave.org> wrote:
*** Alan Holt [2015-05-13 13:03]:
>For *FreeBSD *I've got next error:
>[root@freebsd ~/govpn]# make
>HEAD is now at 36aebfe... changed license to BSD
>GOPATH=/root/govpn go build -ldflags "-X govpn.Version 3.2"
>go: not found

You have to install Go programming language compiler first. GoVPN is not
written on C: so Go compiler is a separate package as a rule. It is the
only major dependency. On FreeBSD you can install lang/go port. Seems
that Ubuntu and CentOS has it preinstalled.

Thanks for the feedback! I will create an updated tarballs with
Makefile-related fixes.

Happy hacking, Sergey Matveev

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Best regards.
Alex Berber
+9 72 54 285 952 3