Greetings! >How to install and config govpn on server & client? I need details info >about that. I hope that example here: should help. Initially you must generate client's identity and password verifier. I recommend to use trivial script that comes in distribution: client% ./utils/ Mylove Enter passphrase:[hello world] Your id is: 35180231a9532325f24d37352a044dd7 Place the following JSON configuration entry on the server's side: "35180231a9532325f24d37352a044dd7": { "name": "Mylove", "up": "/path/to/", "verifier": "6f7657776fcc7ce0128138ad78b7438cd482ef77abf79df41e1b51568aefc390" } Verifier was generated with: ./utils/ /tmp/passphrase govpn-verifier -id 35180231a9532325f24d37352a044dd7 -key /tmp/passphrase Create script that will output on the first line TAP interface name that must be used for the peer. For example: % umask 077 % ed /path/to/ a #!/bin/sh echo tap0 . wq 20 % chmod +x /path/to/ Then you must add this JSON entry in peers.json (default filename for server configuration) on the server side: server% cat > peers.json < /home/stargrave/ /tmp/ <