I am pleased to announce GoVPN 2.3 release availability! GoVPN is simple secure free software virtual private network daemon written on Go programming language. It provides authenticated and encrypted data transport with mutual zero-knowledge client↔server authentication and perfect forward secrecy property. GoVPN's home page is: http://www.cypherpunks.ru/govpn/ Source code for that version can be found here: http://www.cypherpunks.ru/govpn/download/govpn-2.3.tar.xz SHA256: 92986ec6d6da107c6cc1143659e5a154cd19b8f2ede5fa7f5ccc4525ae468e97 and corresponding signature is: http://www.cypherpunks.ru/govpn/download/govpn-2.3.tar.xz.sig GPG key ID: 0xFFE2F4A1 GoVPN release signing key Fingerprint: D269 9B73 3C41 2068 D8DA 656E F2F5 9045 FFE2 F4A1 The main improvement for that major release is: * Handshake packets became indistinguishable from the random. Now all GoVPN's traffic is the noise for men in the middle. * Handshake messages are smaller (16% traffic reduce). * Adversary now can not create malicious fake handshake packets that will force server to generate private DH key, preventing entropy consuming and resource heavy computations. -- Happy hacking, Sergey Matveev