I am pleased to announce GoGOST 2.0 release availability! GoGOST is free software pure Go GOST cryptographic functions library. GOST is GOvernment STandard of Russian Federation (and Soviet Union). ------------------------ >8 ------------------------ The main improvements for that release are: * 34.11-2012 is split on two different modules: gost34112012256 and gost34112012512 * 34.11-94's digest is reversed. Now it is compatible with TC26's HMAC and PBKDF2 test vectors * gogost-streebog is split to streebog256 and streebog512 correspondingly by analogy with sha* utilities * added VKO 34.10-2012 support with corresponding test vectors * gost3410.DigestSizeX is renamed to gost3410.ModeX because it is not related to digest size, but parameters and key sizes * KEK functions take big.Int UKM value. Use NewUKM to unmarshal raw binary UKM ------------------------ >8 ------------------------ GoGOST'es home page is: http://www.cypherpunks.ru/gogost/ Source code and its signature for that version can be found here: http://www.cypherpunks.ru/gogost/gogost-2.0.tar.xz (39 KiB) http://www.cypherpunks.ru/gogost/gogost-2.0.tar.xz.sig Streebog-256 hash: e2858b9c1e7834663838c44b9b9ebbd1f37e5b85ceba5698b6fb5d180e071710 SHA256 hash: 28E8C15C 0EC5CC2A 47A8CCDA DF9EADB5 E46970AA FB7FAAF3 AA250FFC 79CE57F7 GPG key: CEBD 1282 2C46 9C02 A81A 0467 8234 3436 696F C85A GoGOST releases Please send questions regarding the use of GoGOST, bug reports and patches to mailing list: https://lists.cypherpunks.ru/mailman/listinfo/gost -- Sergey Matveev (http://www.stargrave.org/) OpenPGP: CF60 E89A 5923 1E76 E263 6422 AE1A 8109 E498 57EF