Greetings! *** goredo [2021-11-04 15:35]: >main.go:484: foo/ Size missing Fixed in 1.19.0 release. Code does not check that it looks for "ifchange" dependency. Thanks for the report! Also there appeared another funny bug: when you redo foo/, it is passed, ok. But when you redo it again, then that foo/ target itself is used as a .do to rebuild itself. Also fixed in 1.19.0. >What do you think? goredo should treat dependencies the same as the other implementations, shouldn't it? I am sure that everyone does it as it wish in practice and there is completely no common denominator among implementations. goredo initial design fully resembled and it has the same dependency tracking behaviour. So at least there are two of us :-) and redo-c seems to be quite popular. And currently anyway I am still not sure if it is a problem (current state) and if it is, then that behaviour/tracking should we expect. Current "Size missing" error is error in the code not looking for the record type. -- Sergey Matveev ( OpenPGP: CF60 E89A 5923 1E76 E263 6422 AE1A 8109 E498 57EF