Greetings! *** goredo [2021-10-16 15:58]: >One of my projects resulted in an inadvertent stress test of how many arguments redo-ifchange can handle. Well, basically it should depend solely on OS. Of course except for maximal command line arguments number, that is the main limiting factor of redo. I wonder why DJB decided to pass dependencies as arguments (as tar), instead of reading them from stdin (as cpio/pax), that would not artificially limit their number. >The redo-ifchange process was just sleeping without making progress, like it was waiting for pipe input or something similar. I do not clearly remember (possibly I am mistaken), but I think I met that kind of behaviour last year when I run several thousand targets at once in parallel. I do not remember how I debugged and traced it, but the problem was in touching limits of opened file descriptors, that I fixed in 1.2.0 release (it was non-optimal resources usage, but everything got stuck at OS level limits). I also noticed that my FreeBSD has nearly two million opened files limit, but some version of Ubuntu just only one thousand. >I also noticed before, that killing redo with C-c does not always terminate the process it spawned (through a .do file). According to the code (and I checked it in practice), it should not terminate any of its processes at all :-). I added "infanticide" to it in 1.17.0 release. -- Sergey Matveev ( OpenPGP: CF60 E89A 5923 1E76 E263 6422 AE1A 8109 E498 57EF