Greetings! *** Karolis K [2021-06-20 12:38]: >Note that this was also on the roadmap of apenwarr's redo implementation: > Seems good idea. Personally I have never tried to use redo-ood/sources/targets, so have no private experience with those use-cases. In 1.5.0 I added the ability to narrow the results of redo-ood/sources/targets, by specifying an optional list of targets. Moreover redo-sources recursively goes through all dependencies, showing all source files affecting the specified target. For example in my C-project I get: % redo-sources src/zero.o conf/cmd/ conf/cmd/list conf/flags/ conf/flags/ conf/flags/mutex.pthread.rc conf/flags/ conf/flags/pc.list conf/flags/ conf/ conf/ conf/ conf/ config src/zero-bzero.c src/zero.h src/ % cd src ; redo-sources mlock.o ../conf/cmd/ ../conf/cmd/list ../conf/flags/ ../conf/flags/ ../conf/flags/mutex.pthread.rc ../conf/flags/ ../conf/flags/pc.list ../conf/flags/ ../conf/ ../conf/ ../conf/ ../conf/ ../config cricksdt.d err.h log.h mlock-posixrt.c mlock.h so I clearly see that changing of anything related to various flags and commands determination will probably affect building of the object files. Looks pretty useful! And seems I have satisfied apenwarr/redo's roadmap entry. Also project contains the newly appeared redo-ood related tests, that are also passing in goredo. -- Sergey Matveev ( OpenPGP: CF60 E89A 5923 1E76 E263 6422 AE1A 8109 E498 57EF