Greetings! I returned to that problem again and actually I do not see how it can be solved fairly. For example Make has non-dynamic static dependency information in its Makefiles and if A depends on B, then Make will: execute B, then execute A But redo keeps dependencies information for OOD determination *only*. So redo just: determines that A is OOD, because B is OOD, and then executes, that *possibly* contains somewhever redo-ifchange B then it executes, when redo-ifchange is called in "A" maybe OOD because of "B", but it does not mean that "B" it still the dependency, that will be built anyway. Moreover, each .do explicitly tells when to redo(-ifchange) targets -- and that can be at the very end of some computations and preparations. redo-ifchange can be xargs-ed at the very end of .do script/program. So, when we are build "B" and see that it did not changed, we are *already* executing, so we can not "revert" that step backward, because without execution we do not know if needs to be executed too. Actually currently goredo already does unfair behaviour, explicitly executing redo-always-ed targets first. Exactly just to prevent complete rebuilding of everything because of honest redo-always-ed target. But I just assume that in practice redo-always targets mostly used for some kind of lightweight environment variable and configuration files checks. -- Sergey Matveev ( OpenPGP: CF60 E89A 5923 1E76 E263 6422 AE1A 8109 E498 57EF