Greetings! *** Karolis K [2021-02-17 22:40]: >In an ideal case I think only the file with a modified do script should be rebuilt, and then, since the output is the same, all other dependencies should simply pass. >But maybe I am missing something? You are right -- currently it is sub-optimal. The reason is simple: when you determine if target is out-of-date (OOD), you recursively go through the dependecies from "up to bottom" and if you see any OOD one, then the whole path is considered OOD and rebuild starts. Simple algorithm. I have encountered exactly that kind of problem with redo-always-ed targets, which in my case are usually targets checking for environment variables and configuration files changes. And nearly everyone depends on them, because all build commands/options depends on envvars and configuration. And that lead to rebuilding of nearly everything. But I made a two-stage building and dependency tracking: track some of "always" targets, rebuild them and then start an ordinary OOD detection and targets rebuilding. And exactly here if rebuilt "always" targets are not changed, then OOD works as we expect to skip building. I must think about some kind of feedback channel that tells that target is not changed after the rebuild. Will think about that and implement. It will be useful optimization and safe (because of hashes there should not be situations when something is skipped mistakenly). -- Sergey Matveev ( OpenPGP: CF60 E89A 5923 1E76 E263 6422 AE1A 8109 E498 57EF